Architects and Interior designers
We have a very close, long relationship with interior designers and architects in Barcelona and other cities, who we assist in all technical issues regarding the development of a lighting projects and in the selection, supply and replacement of lighting fixtures.

Many companies entrust us directly with their issues regarding indoor and outdoor lighting. Buildings, restaurants, hotels and property developers, along with events and wedding companies, specialist stores, and law and consultancy firms, or sports and golf clubs, and many others.

A significant part of our projects is related to home lighting. Many individuals entrust us with the lighting of their first and second homes.
We provide them with advice on the entire design process, as well as on the selection of lighting fixtures that best adapt to each particular space and style. We have extensive experience in lighting deluxe homes.

Lighting store in Barcelona |
Studio & Showroom | On-line lighting store
Johann Sebastian Bach, 28
08021 Barcelona (Spain)
+34 932 003 066